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Some steps....


1. When I am first given a rather lengthy writing assignment, I tend to become a little overwhelmed because at the time, it seems like a ton of work. The worst part for me is coming up with an idea that interests me so the project does not become so boring that I do not wish to continue and finish it. Most of my daybook pages are filled with random ideas that could become large assignments. These pages are not neat nor organized. They are scattered all over the place and probably wouldn’t meant anything to anyone but me.


2.  After I have a collection of random ideas, I commit to one. I have to make sure I like it. If I do not like the idea that I will be writing about, I will be miserable. I draft out main points, idea, supporting details, facts, or anything else that may be helpful later on when I write more.


3. This outline becomes full sentences and paragraphs. Soon, you can see that there is some shape and structure to what I have been working on. Once I meet the sentence/ page requirement, I leave it the way it is.


4. I bring my rough draft to class. I have some peers look over it. I always tell them that they will not hurt my feelings- I just want to know their honest opinion. Of course, I might not apply their thoughts into my paper, but I will take them into consideration. I always love having different people’s ideas when it comes to my writing.


5. I edit some more and before I know it, I have my final draft!





I will be focusing on my THIS I BELIEVE Essay and the process that I went thought to get my finished product.


It took me a while to figure out what exactly what I wanted to write about so i drafted ideas in my daybook. I was between two different ideas as you can see below:

Here is my Rough Draft. As you can see, not much structure or organization here.

Click on the Word Icon to download and view my paper!

Next, I brought my paper to class and my peers looked over it for me. They each wrote comments that I found very helpful. Sometimes, as a writer, I notice that some of my readers understand what I am trying to convey. I'm glad they could help me out!

Next, I edit and take in the suggestions from my peers. I am left with my FINAL DRAFT. Here is what I turned in for a grade the first time!

Remember to click on the Word



A few months later, I had the opportunity to revise this...again! Here's my final product:

And now you know my process for writing!


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